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The West's Overreaction to Nazism

Western civilisation, especially in America, is to a large extent defined and shackled by its OVERREACTION to Nazism and the Holocaust, some...

Saturday, 31 October 2015

Time to Acknowledge Reality and Importance of Race

How America Tolerates Racism in Jury Selection

By Larry D. Thompson, Oct. 30, 2015 (LINK to article)

It is time we recognised the reality and importance of RACE, instead of claiming the moral high ground for oneself by denying them.

What we are dealing with here is "reverse-Nazism". Because the Nazis, as the embodiment of evil, made a big and nasty issue of race, as well as seeing racial differences where they did not exist (i.e. between different groups of Europeans) there was an overreaction which denied the importance, even the very existence, of race altogether, even when the differences are manifest, as for example between Europeans and Africans.

Race is NOT the "social construct" we are taught it is (except when you try dividing closely related peoples from the same subcontinent into different races, as the Nazis insanely did), but  REAL and important. Not in the way that racial supremacists believe it is, but because central to any deep and meaningful sense of both personal and group identity.

It is the STATE itself, which is the real social, i.e. economic and power-political, construct, deceitfully posing as our nation, in order to legitimise itself, its ruling elites and the immense power they wield and abuse, and thus seeks to suppress the natural ethnic foundations of genuine nationhood.

Current racial ideology serves as an instrument of socio-political intimidation, rewards, punishments, manipulation and control, just as medieval church ideology once did:  LINK.

The West is its Own Worst Enemy

Tunisia Is the Exception, Not the Model

By Kamel Daoud,  Oct. 27, 2015 (LINK to article)

In the 7th and 8th centuries, Islam was able to conquer so much territory, because the civilisations which ruled them were weakened by the internal divisions of their self-exploitation.

The same is true of the West today. Although economically and militarily still extremely powerful, we are also self-exploiting and extremely divided amongst ourselves. As the struggle for limited resources and to avoid the impact of climate change, environmental degradation, overpopulation and mass migration intensifies in the decades ahead, our civilisation will tear itself apart.

And it may well be that Islam takes advantage of this and that by the end of this century the green star and crescent flag will be flying over Washington, London, Paris and Berlin.

I'm not being cynical, but realistic. If we were to recognise and develop an understanding of what is wrong with western civilisation, we might yet save it, but time is quickly running out: http://philosopherkin.blogspot.co.uk/2012/04/civilisation-evolutionary-cul-de-sac.html

Tuesday, 27 October 2015

Opposition to Immigration Equated with Hate Mongering

Britain's ‘Brexit’ Folly

By Roger Cohen, Oct. 26 2015 (LINK to article)

". . the hordes of desperate refugees intent on disrupting the British way of life (whatever they imagine that to be) [and] the anti-immigrant hatemongers of the U.K. Independence Party." 

Blinded by your own self-righteous, Roger, but you are the one, it seems to me, doing the "hatemongering".

Many of us - including many UKIP members, I'm sure, although I'm not one of them - are old enough to REMEMBER (we don't have to imagine) what the British way of life was like, before we were reduced to an ethnic minority in large swathes of our major cities my mass immigration, which you think we should have even more of, and "celebrate" as some kind of "enrichment", when in reality is is Orwellian newspeak for native Britons (and white people everywhere) to celebrate our own ethnic displacement (white flight), replacement, and ultimate demise . .

You don't just want to see European Americans (your OWN race, for heaven's sake!) reduced to an ethnic minority in the country they founded and very largely shaped, but also their descendants who chose to remain in Europe reduced to an ethnic minority in their ancestral homeland.

Why? What kind of racial self-hatefulness motivates you. And not just you, of course, all so-called "progressives", it seems. Where does it come from, this racial self-hatred?

I believe that it is, in large part, ideological: http://philosopherkin.blogspot.co.uk/2015/03/method-to-madness-of-post-racial.html

Lawyers, Modern Counterparts of Medieval Clergy

The Law School Debt Crisis

By The Editorial Board, Oct. 24 2015 (LINK to editorial)

Lawyers are modern heirs and counterparts of the medieval clergy, who cooperated with members of a warrior class in creating the first European states from a tribal society. They provided the brains and power of the Word, i.e. moral and knowledgeable authority, while the King and his nobles provided the muscle and power of the sword.

Between them they organised society to their own personal advantage, at the expense of the vast majority, whom they subjugated.

It is not just lawyers who are modern heirs and counterparts of the medieval clergy, but social science academia in general, whose members have the same self-interest in rationalising and defending the state and status quo, which continue to massively advantage them, along with other (especially wealthy) clients of the state, at the expense of society at large.

And because these same academics are the ones we all look to as authorities in understanding society and the state, it is easy for them to maintain the status quo, by lying to us - and themselves, no doubt - about the true nature of the state, especially in respect to it representing our nation, which it certainly does not. It is a mercenary "patron state" deceitfully posing as a nation, in order to legitimise itself, its ruling elites and the immense power they wield and abuse.

See BLOG in which I elaborate on these ideas.

State Demonisation of Human Nature

Loving Freely

By Jennifer Finney Boylan, Oct. 23 2015 (LINK to article)

"All of us — men and women, gay and straight, cis and trans — deserve to be loved."

I'm sure that if we ourselves love, then we will be loved back by at least some of those we love, but not necessarily straight away or even in our own lifetime.

Everyone should be free to be themselves, and it is terrible how even democratic states, until very recently, made it illegal for many people to be themselves in so far as their sexuality was concerned.

The state has always demonised certain aspects of human nature, as a means of socio-political intimidation and control. It used to be "original sin" (disobedience of divine, i.e. priestly/state authority), then human (especially female and gay) sexuality; now it is "racial prejudice", i.e. the natural human inclination - like original sin - to identity with members of one's own tribe, race or ethnic group, which was made responsible for the Holocaust and equated with the evils of Nazi racism.

It is in the very nature of the state to intimidate and control society, in order to achieve its primary purpose of facilitating its SELF-exploitation, to the personal advantage of its ruling elites and favoured (especially wealthy and academic) clients, at the expense of society at large, its well-being and long-term survival. This is why all past civilisations have fallen, as soon will ours, unless we quickly recognise the cause: http://philosopherkin.blogspot.co.uk/2012/04/civilisation-evolutionary-cul-de-sac.html

America's Policy of Forced Desegregation

Ending the Cycle of Racial Isolation

By the Editorial Board Oct. 17, 2015 (LINK to editorial)

1st post 
"The Ethel Lawrence Homes subdivision validates the idea of developing affordable housing, “both as a social policy for promoting racial and class integration in metropolitan America

What right do the authorites have to socially engineer society in this way, instead of leaving people to live in the kind of communities they prefer to live in?

This is precisely what most people hate about "socialism", the way it forces people to live according to state ideology.

Most people prefer not to live in a DIVERSE communities, but amongst people of similar race, culture and wealth as themselves.

DIVERSITY, in the form multi-racial and multicultural society, is a consequence of globalisation and mass migration, which are relatively modern phenomena, certainly on the scale that we are now experiencing them.

Why do "progressives" insist on ramming it down the throats of those who clearly don't want it?

It's because state IDEOLOGY (not coincidentally, the exact but equally extreme and insane opposite of Nazi racial ideology) says that those who are "colour-blind", love DIVERSITY and racial mixing are "morally superior" to those who don't.

It serves the age-old strategy of “divide and rule”, just as medieval church ideology once did, dividing society into a morally superior, now supposedly "colour-blind", elite and the morally inferior, naturally (human nature being what it is) less colour-blind, masses, who must submit to the authority of and domination by their "moral superiors".

2nd post
  "Affordable housing done right can be a powerful tool for improving lives"

It is also a powerful tool for implementing state racial ideology, which now serves America and other western "democracies" as an instrument of socio-political intimidation and control, just as medieval church ideology once did.  

Original sin" (disobedience of divine, i.e. priestly/state authority) has simply been replaced by "racial prejudice" (the natural human inclination - like original sin - to identity with members of one's own tribe, race or ethnic group, which was made responsible for the Holocaust and equated with the evils of Nazi racism), which only submission to priestly/academic/state ideology and authority can save us from eternal damnation for, not as heathens and heretics, as in the past, but as "bigots" and "racists".

Why has this not been recognised by the academics we look to as authorities in understanding society and the state? Because, like their medieval predecessors and counterparts, they are themselves privileged clients and employees of the state, with a massive personal self-interest (subconscious more than conscious) in rationalising and defending its role, self-image (as our "nation") and ideologies (social, political, economic and racial, formerly religious), on which the state bases its claim to moral and knowledgeable authority.

Islamophobia and Human Tribalism

With Anti-Muslim Campaign, Canada Has Its Trump Moment

By Martin Patriquin Oct. 16, 2015  (LINK to article) 

The first time I saw a Muslim woman completely covered in my local supermarket I was surprised and shocked at how angry it made me feel. Feelings I was careful not to show, of course.  In the meantime, I've got used to it, living in "post-racial multicultural" London, but it is interesting to consider WHY it made me - and clearly, makes many others - so angry.  

Man is an inherently and intensely tribal animal, although our original tribes have long disappeared, to be replaced in no small measure by the state, which claims to represent our tribe or nation, in order to command its citizens' sense of tribal belonging and loyalty, thereby legitimising itself, its ruling elites and the immense power they wield and abuse.

A woman in a burka is an affront and insult to my sense of tribal belonging, as is, in fact, although not so acutely, the whole notion of "multi-ethnic nationhood", which is an oxymoronic absurdity on a par with George Orwell's Ministries of Peace and Truth.

I have learned to deal with it by ceasing to identify with the British state as my nation, aided by the realisation that it was never a genuine nation anyway, but just a mercenary "patron state" deceitfully posing as a nation.  

I also finally recognised the method to the madness of not just the British state's creation of and commitment to post-racial multicultural society and ideology: see BLOG.

Academics Stuck in Pre-Copernican Dark Age

Our Deadened, Carbon-Soaked Seas

By Richard w. Spinrad and Ian Boyd Oct. 15, 2015 (LINK to article)
"Both the United States and Britain . . have called for strong action to reduce carbon emissions."
The trouble is that Britain and America, like other states, are committed to promoting lifestyles, lifestyle aspirations and an economy which make reducing carbon emissions to any significant extent quite impossible. 

Academic understanding of the state and socio-economic status quo is massively influenced by academics' own dependency on them both, which leads to the absurdity of the states responsible for increasing carbon emissions calling for their reduction - which isn't going to happen, for the simple reason that too much money is to be made from maintaining or increasing them. 

Social science academics are stuck in a pre-Copernican, i.e. pre-Darwinian, dark age, which they will not emerge from until they have lifted the taboo on viewing their disciplines from a human-evolutionary perspective, which is the only way to obtain a realistic view of our situation and of socio-economic reality, and which I elaborate on is this BLOG.

US Constitution Written by and for European Americans

Native Lives Matter, Too 

By Lydia Millet, Oct. 13 2015 (LINK to article)

When are Americans going to face up to the reality that is staring them in the face, of America not being a genuine nation, but a mercenary "patron state" deceitfully posing as a nation, in order to legitimise itself, its ruling elites and the immense power they wield and abuse, to their own personal advantage and that of favoured (especially wealthy and academic) "client citizens", at the expense of society at large and its numerous ethnic groupings, which represent the natural basis for genuine nationhood?

The American constitution, as Ms Millet's own reference to the Declaration of Independence makes clear, was written by and for European Americans, and no one else.

This is America's fundamental problem: pretending to be something it is not.

Until Americans face up this truth, there can be no glimmer of hope of them ever resolving their existential social and political problems, and learning to live in harmony with each other and the natural environment, which in the years ahead will tear the country apart. Better to face up the  truth now, while there is still time to resolve these problems in a rational and civilised fashion.

It is the nature of the state itself (and not just the American state) which needs to be properly understood, something which academics have not been honest with us - or themselves - about, because of their own dependency (as clients and employees) on it: On The Perverted Darwinian Nature of the State and Civilisation itself.

American Gun Culture a Symptom of Non-Nationhood

When Ronald Reagan Embraced Gun Control  

By Francis X. Clines, Oct. 8 2015 (LINK to article)

It is worth asking what America's gun culture tells us about America.

It tells us that America is not a nation, but a mercenary "patron state" deceitfully posing as a nation, in order to legitimise itself, its ruling elites and the immense power they wield and abuse, to their own personal advantage and that of favoured (especially wealthy) clients, at the expense of society at large.

When you are amongst members of your own tribe or nation, you don't need fire arms or arms of any description. You only need arms when you are amongst potential enemies, i.e. members of other tribes or nations.

Why has this not been recognised by the academics we look to as authorities in understanding society and the state?

Because they are privileged clients and employees of their respective "patron state" themselves, with a massive personal self-interest (subconscious more than conscious) in rationalising and defending its role, self-image (as a "nation") and ideologies (social, political, economic and racial, formerly religious), on which the American state bases its claim to moral and knowledgeable authority.  

My own state, Britain, isn't a genuine nation either, but like America, a mercenary "patron state". We don't have a gun culture, but there is plenty of other evidence to support my claim. But British academics too are loath to criticise their "patron state" and employer.

Jewish Anti-Semitism

Indifference Kills  

By Roger Cohn, Oct. 8 2015 (LINK to article)

There are those who argue that Jews who promote mass immigration into the West and its enabling ideology of post-racial multiculturalism are doing so in pursuit of their own ethnic self-interests, but it seems to me that quite the contrary is true; like their white non-Jewish counterparts they are in fact, Roger amongst them, acting AGAINST their own ethnic, i.e. Jewish, self-interests.  

The rise in anti-Semitic incidences in Europe is due almost entirely to Europe's increasing Muslim population.

What I see is an IDEOLOGY of racial self-denial and self-contempt on the part of both Jewish and non-Jewish whites, which serves western secular states, not least America, in which ethnic Europeans are still the dominant ethnic group, as an instrument of socio-political intimidation, rewards, punishments, manipulation and control, just as medieval church ideology once did.  

It is a modern incarnation of the age-old strategy of “divide and rule”, dividing society into a morally superior, now supposedly "colour-blind", elite and the morally inferior, naturally (human nature being what it is) less colour-blind, masses, who must submit to the authority of and domination by their "moral superiors".

Fear of Death and Being Called a Racist

The End Isn’t Near 

by Dan Fleshler Oct. 7 2015 (LINK to article)

It is interesting how we all cope in our different ways with the knowledge of our own mortality, mainly by distracting ourselves from it.

I went through a phase, many years ago, of being almost paralysed by my fear of death, until I realised that it was the same as my fear of life and living. It was a fear of reality, to which life and death both belong.

My fears didn't disappear, but they ceased to paralyse me.

I'm similarly fearful of social exclusion, because of my prejudices and views relating to race, which I believe to be real (not the "social construct" we are supposed to believe it is, except when you try dividing closely related peoples from the same subcontinent into different races, as the Nazis insanely did) and important. Not in the way that racial supremacists believe it is, but because essential to my sense of personal and group (tribal/national) identity.

Allowing More Criticism of "Progressive" Ideology

Readers Will Rule, Says The Times, So Don’t Be Shy by Margaret Sullivan

October 7, 2015 (LINK to article)

I appreciate the NTY allowing my own criticisms of its "progressive" attitude towards race, immigration and multiculturalism to appear in some of the comments I submit, but I would like to see criticism also expressed in actual articles or op-eds, and one day, perhaps, even in an editorial. 

I understand the fear that any relaxation of this attitude would constitute a step onto a slippery slope leading all the way to another Auschwitz, but it is an irrational fear that is preventing us from acknowledging and developing an understanding of the social and political importance of race, because of its influence on one's sense of personal and group identity. And this lack of understanding makes another Auschwitz more rather than less likely. 

This attitude towards race constitutes an understandable, but misconceived, overreaction to Jim Crow, Apartheid and, of course, Nazi racial ideology, which it is the exact but equally extreme opposite of, denying the importance of race altogether. 

It's an attitude that is being exploited by the state as an instrument of socio-political intimidation, rewards, punishments, manipulation and control, just as church ideology once was, serving the age-old strategy of “divide and rule”, dividing society into a morally superior, now supposedly "colour-blind", elite and the morally inferior, naturally (human nature being what it is) less colour-blind, masses, who must submit to the authority of and domination by their "moral superiors".

Academic Ignorance of the State

The Case for Euro-Optimism by Ulrich Speck Oct. 6, 2015  (LINK to article)

"The new European Union is redefining the role of the nation state without replacing it."

This quote illustrates just how little the author understands of what he is supposed to be an expert in, i.e  the nature of the state and the societies it rules over.

There is no such thing as a "nation state", but only mercenary "patron states" deceitfully posing as nations, in order to legitimise themselves, their ruling elites and the immense power they wield and abuse, to their own personal advantage and that of favoured (especially wealthy) clients, at the expense (and ultimate self-destruction) of society at large. This is why all past civilisations have fallen, as will ours if it continues along its current path.

Why does the author not recognise this?  

Because, as a privileged client (and employee?) of the state himself, he too has a massive personal self-interest (subconscious more than conscious) in rationalising and defending its role, self-image (as our "nation") and ideologies (social, political, economic and racial, formerly religious), on which it bases its claim to moral and knowledgeable authority.  

Anyone wishing to understand the true nature of the state must view it from a human-evolutionary perspective (LINK to introduction to such a perspective).

Confusing Racial Identity with Racial Supremacy

Remembering a Milestone for Immigrants and America

By Lawrence Downes  October 5, 2015 (LINK to article)

The author refers to America as
"a country that had learned to turn away from white supremacy . . "

White supremacy? With this act, America denied and turned away from the natural ethnic foundations of national identity and nationhood.

"Celebrating DIVERSITY" is Orwellian newspeak for European Americans to celebrate their own ethnic displacement (white flight), replacement (having already been reduced to an ethnic minority in large swathes of your major cities) and ultimate demise.

Race is NOT the "social construct" you are taught it is (except when you try dividing closely related peoples from the same subcontinent into different races, as the Nazis insanely did), but REAL and important. Not in the way that racial supremacists believe it is, but because central to any deep and meaningful sense of both personal and group, i.e. genuine national, identity, which the American state and capital are not interested in you having. They are only interested in you as a "human resource", consumers and clients/voters.

Like Britain, which spawned it, America is not a genuine nation, but a mercenary "patron state" deceitfully posing as a nation, in order to legitimise itself, its ruling elites and the immense power they wield and abuse, to their own personal advantage and that of favoured (especially wealthy) clients, at the expense of society at large.  

These are difficult, painful and frightening truths, which, however, have to be recognised if we are to solve the existential problems facing civilisation.

Putting Money Before Community

The Troubles Are Back by Eamonn McCann Oct. 5, 2015  (LINK to article)

"Northern Ireland needs a political system based on class and economic interests, rather than on community and identity."  

That is a very revealing and interesting statement, which I strongly disagree with. What it advocates is a form of "social castration" and dehumanisation. 

Yes, dehumanisation, because we evolved as an inherently and intensely tribal animal. Demonising and suppressing our tribal nature dehumanises us. We castrate animals to make them more manageable, which is exactly what the state seeks to do with its citizens. 

Some would argue that the state needs to do this for its citizens own good and for the good of society at large, but this has never been the purpose of the state, even the democratic state. The primary purpose of the state has always been to facilitate society's SELF-exploitation to the personal advantage of its ruling elites and favoured (especially wealthy) clients, at the expense of society at large, ultimately leading to its self-destruction, which is why all past civilisations have declined and fallen. 

It is no coincidence that we are culturalised to trivialise, ridicule or demonise our tribal nature, rather than giving it the serious attention and study that it deserves, because the state and capital are busy manipulating and exploiting it for their own purposes and don't want any light shone on what is going on.

Monday, 26 October 2015

Good Reason to Mistrust the State

A Power Derived From Mistrust of Police and Government

by Glenn Harlan Reynolds Oct. 5, 2015  (LINK to article)

There is a reason why there is so little trust of government, i.e. the state, which, however, there is very little awareness of, because the academics we look to as authorities on understanding society, the state and civilisation are not being honest with us - or themselves - about their true nature.

They want us to identify with the state as our nation, because it is their patron and/or employer, which rewards them in return for their moral support.

Like all states, America is not a nation, but a mercenary "patron state" deceitfully posing as a nation, in order to legitimise itself, its ruling elites and the immense power they wield and abuse, to their own personal advantage and that of favoured clients, especially the wealthy and, of course, academics. And this at the expense of society at large, leading ultimately to its self-destruction, which is why all past states and civilisations have fallen. Our own civilisation is rapidly heading towards a massive fall.

This is a difficult, painful and frightening truth to recognise and face up to, which is why so few are prepared to do so, but it is what we urgently need to do if we want to try and prevent this fall.