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The West's Overreaction to Nazism

Western civilisation, especially in America, is to a large extent defined and shackled by its OVERREACTION to Nazism and the Holocaust, some...

Tuesday, 29 December 2015

America is a MYTH

Donald Trump’s Unstoppable Virality

By Emma Roller Dec. 29, 2015 (LINK to article)
 "we need him [Donald Trump], as his hat promises, to make America great again."

The important thing to recognise here is that Donald Trump's "America", like everyone else's, is a MYTH, tailored his own, and every other individual American's, personal world view.

This may seem trivial, but it's not, and it is vitally important that we develop a better, more realistic, understanding of what we mean and understand by "America", or whatever state you are a citizen of, because we are taught to identify with it as our NATION, which taps into our inherent and extremely powerful tribal nature, which the state's ruling elites manipulate and exploit in their own narrow and short-sighted self-interests, which they sell to the rest of us as the "national self-interest", when in reality it is no such thing.

Our tribal affiliations massively influence our perception of social and political reality, including that of academics, whom we look to as authorities, but who are no closer to a realistic view of social and political reality than anyone else.

The only way to get a handle on this is to view ourselves, our society and situation from a human-evolutionary perspective, which, however, in overreaction to the half-baked ideas of "social Darwinism", which the Nazis hijacked, abused and discredited, a previous generation of academics made a taboo of.

See BLOG in which I make a fresh attempt at developing such an evolutionary view of ourselves and our society and situation.

BLOG in which I elaborate on the West's overreaction of Nazism.

Fate of the West in the Balance

Cracks in the Liberal Order

By Ross Douthat  Dec. 26, 2015 (LINK to article)

I submitted two comments on this article, both of which, after some delay, were approved and published, but I thought that I would publish them here anyway.

First Post:
"late-modern liberalism might have a certain tendency toward suicide"
EVERY civilisation tends towards suicide, because of their perverted Darwinian nature, which, because of the taboo a previous generation of academics placed on viewing our own species from an evolutionary perspective (an OVERREACTION to the Nazis having hijacked and abused the half-baked ideas of social Darwinism for their own evil purposes), there has been a failure to recognise.

And why would they WANT to recognise it, given how well "the current order" works for them?

The human brain surely evolved to want to maintain the environment on which it depends, especially when it has been relatively successful within it, as everyone who is anyone in society invariably has been, and rationalises its view of social, political and economic reality accordingly.

We (especially academics) are bound to see ourselves as a "rational animal", when in fact we are far more a "rationalising animal", which means that unlike in the material sciences, where our models of reality now correlate closely with it, in the social sciences they don't. Thus the author's difficulty in "imagining the basic liberal democratic capitalist order cracking up".

The current order is indeed on course to crack up, and if we want something better, rather than worse, to come of it, we urgently need a much better model of the reality of our situation: http://philosopherkin.blogspot.co.uk/2012/04/civilisation-evolutionary-cul-de-sac.html

Second Post:
"it’s been hard to imagine the basic liberal democratic capitalist order cracking up . . "
The Germans have a word for this: Zweckoptimismus (self-serving optimism).
" . . let alone envision what might take its place."
Looking back to premodern times, would Ptolemaic astronomers, alchemists, or Galenic doctors have been able to imagine what would one day replace their "sciences" and their world? I think not.

And because of their lack of a human-evolutionary, i.e. Darwinian, perspective, the present-day social and political sciences are still stuck in a pre-Copernican, i.e. pre-Darwinian, dark age.

Responsible for this is something the NYT's Editorial Board itself warns of in a recent editorial, The Price of Fear:
“In the reaction and overreaction to terrorism comes the risk that society will lose its way."
Western civilisation has indeed lost its way, in overreaction to Nazism, which hijacked and abused the half-baked ideas of social Darwinism for its own evil purposes, making a taboo of the whole idea of viewing ourselves, our civilisation and situation from a human-evolutionary perspective, thus blinding us to its perverted Darwinian nature.

Healthy Darwinian nature serves' a population's survival, while perverted Darwinian nature leads to its demise. What do I mean by "population"? That is something that needs to be discussed, but we can't discuss, or arrive at an understanding of anything, so long as this taboo remains in place.

America is NOT a Nation

The Real Victims of Victimhood

By Arthur C. Brooks Dec. 26, 2015 (LINK to article)
"It is still in our hands to . .  cultivate a nation of strong individuals . . . "
This might make some sense if America were in fact a nation, but it is not, nor any other state I know of, but a mercenary "patron state" deceitfully posing as a nation, in order to legitimise itself, its ruling elites and the immense power they wield and abuse, to their own personal advantage and that of favoured (especially wealthy and academic) clients, at the expense of society at large.

What the state does is to conflate and confound very different aspects of the original tribal environment in which human nature evolved, long before the first states and civilisation emerged from it. It poses as our nation (intra- and inter-tribal environment), while at the same time facilitating society's self-exploitation (as an extra-tribal environment), which must ultimately lead to its self-destruction.

The academics we look to as authorities in understanding society and the state fail to recognise this profound truth, because they are themselves privileged clients (if not actual employees) of their respective "patron state", with a massive personal self-interest (subconscious more than conscious) in rationalising and defending its role, self-image (as our "nation") and ideologies (social, political, economic and racial, formerly religious), on which the state bases its claim to moral and knowledgeable authority (see BLOG in which I elaborate).

Thursday, 24 December 2015

My Response to George Yancy's Dear White America

Dear White America

By George Yancy, Dember 24 2015  (LINK to article)

I love, i.e. identify with, my own, white, race, just as you, George, clearly identify with your own, black, race, which is natural and healthy human nature.

The only people I have ever hated have been other white people, and when I look at history I see far more evidence of racial SELF-hatred (white people doing terrible things to other white people, including WW1, the Holocaust and the blanket bombing of German cities) than I do for white hatred of other races.

For more than half a century we have been taught to equate "racial prejudice", which was wrongly made responsible for the Holocaust, with racial hated. This was an understandable, but misconceived overreaction to the evil of Nazism, which was quickly incorporated into an ideology of white racial self-denial and self-contempt and ever since has served as an instrument of socio-political intimidation, rewards, punishments, manipulation and control (mainly of whites over whites), just as medieval church ideology once did.

It is the age-old strategy of divide and rule, which I elaborate on in this BLOG:

I want racial harmony as much as you do, but it has to be based on truthfulness. And the truth is that race matters; not in the way that racial supremacists believe it does, but because central to any deep and meaningful sense of both personal and group identity.

Race matters because identity matters, which is what we need to be clear about, instead of allowing the state and capital to keep us in a state of confusion, which they exploit to their own power-political and commercial advantage.

Thoroughly Deceived by Confirmation Bias

The Trap of Confirmation Bias

By Prof. Thomas Gilovich (LINK to article)
"The brain's job is to make sense of the world, and it does so — easily, rapidly and generally accurately . . "  
The brain's job is indeed to make sense of the world, but the author is being wildly overoptimistic about its accuracy, i.e. the extent to which it correlates with objective reality, which is why "We're Doomed", as Roy Scranton writes in a recent op-ed.

The sense our brain is capable of making of the world was good enough for facilitating our survival in the environment in which it evolved, long before the first states and civilisations emerged from it, thereby creating an artificial environment shaped over the centuries by society's ruling elites to their own personal advantage, at the expense of society at large.

The sense we make of this environment is largely determined by the personal self-interests of these ruling elites and the academics they employ to create a "national narrative. It is an environment, social order and narrative which serves them and their favoured (especially wealthy and academic) clients very well, and which they thus want to maintain, despite it being inherently unjust, inhumane and unsustainable on our finite, vulnerable and overpopulated planet, which their own self-interests blinds them to.

I elaborate on these ideas, which have the potential to provide the understanding that might yet save us from ourselves, in this and appended BLOGS.

Time to Take Human Tribalism Seriously

For Many, Faith Comes at a High Price

By Nicholas Kristof, Dec. 19,2015 (LINK to article)

All these problems - which is an understatement, I know - relate to human tribal nature (tribalism) which it can be no coincidence we are taught to trivialise, ridicule or demonise, instead of giving it the attention and study it deserves.

The reason for this is simple: the state deceitfully poses as our tribe or nation itself and doesn't want too much light cast on how it manipulates and exploits our tribal nature by so doing.

Our tribal nature is clearly something that can only be understood from a human-evolutionary, i.e. Darwinian, perspective, which a previous generation of academics made a taboo of, in overreaction to initial attempts which (as first attempts at anything new and difficult often do) went horribly wrong, especially when the Nazis hijacked the half-baked ideas of social Darwinism to justify their insane racial ideology, eugenics and euthanasia programmes, and wars of aggression.

This was part of a much broader overreaction to Nazism which we urgently need to recognise, develop an understanding of, and correct: http://unapprovedcomments.blogspot.co.uk/2015/11/the-wests-overreaction-to-nazism.html

Thursday, 17 December 2015

Resolving Middle East Conflict via Better Understanding of the State

The Assassination in Israel That Worked

By Roger Cohen, Dec. 17 2015 (LINK to article)

It makes a nice change to find myself agreeing with Mr Cohen on an issue, as I do on this one.

What would help resolve the conflict between Jews and Arabs is a better understanding of the nature of the state itself, which academics, for reasons of self-interest, have not been entirely honest with us, or themselves, about.

I've developed a far more realistic understanding of the state, based on a human-evolutionary, i.e. Darwinian, perspective, which a previous generation of academics made a taboo of doing.

What such a perspective reveals is that contrary to what is widely believed, there is no such thing as a "nation state", just mercenary "patron states" deceitfully posing as nations, in order to legitimise themselves, their ruling elites and the immense power they wield and abuse.

At first I thought that Israel was perhaps an exception, but have since come to realise that it is not, which gives me added confidence in my theory, which I elaborate on in this and appended BLOGS.

Humans are Inherently Prejudiced - so Why Demonise it?

The ‘Benefits’ of Black Physics Students

By Jedidah C. Isler, Dec. 17, 2015 (LINK to article)

Why can't we simply accept human nature for what it is, i.e. inherently prejudiced about everyone and everything, especially race, which relates to our natural inclination to identify with and thus favour our own tribe or ethnic group, and learn to deal with it in as rational and civilised fashion as possible?

The answer is simple: society has always been dominated by an elite of "moral supremacists" (formally the priesthood, now academia), who demonise different aspects of human nature, which it is then able to use, by exploiting our natural propensity for guilt, as an instrument of socio-political intimidation, rewards, punishments, manipulation and control.

Post-racial multicultural ideology, with its demand for DIVERSITY, is, in effect, a secular replacement for the power-political role of medieval church ideology, whereby "original sin" (disobedience of divine, i.e. priestly/state authority) is replaced by "racial prejudice" (the natural human inclination - like original sin - to identity with members of one's own tribe, race or ethnic group, which was mistakenly made responsible for the Holocaust and equated with the evils of Nazi racism), and which only submission to priestly/academic/state ideology and authority can save us from eternal damnation for, not as heathens and heretics, as in the past, but as "bigots" and "racists".

I elaborate further on these ideas in this BLOG.

What Began as Overreaction to Nazism

Teacher Evaluations Could Be Hurting Faculty Diversity at Universities

By Carla D. Pratt (LINK to article)

It is inherent to human nature to be biased in favour of one's own tribe, race or ethnic group, but the American state, i.e. its academic elite (in collaboration with their European colleagues), whose example other elites are bound to follow, has embraced an ideology which demonises such prejudice as "racist", equating it with the evils of Jim Crow, Apartheid and, of course, Nazism.

What began as an understandable overreaction* to the madness and horrors of especially Nazi racial ideology, was quickly transformed into an instrument of socio-political intimidation, rewards, punishments, manipulation and control, a secular replacement, effectively, for the power-political role of medieval church ideology, with racial prejudice taking the place of original sin.

* The Editorial Board itself warns of the dangers of such overreaction in a recent editorial, The Price of Fear: "In the reaction and overreaction to terrorism comes the risk that society will lose its way."

The state's claim to moral authority on the basis of this grotesque overreaction to Nazism has indeed caused society to lose its way - very badly indeed.

If we are to deal with our social, political, economic and environmental problems in a rational and civilised fashion, we need to understand and work WITH evolved human nature, rather than demonising and suppressing certain aspects of it for the purpose of state control (see BLOG in which I elaborate).

Wednesday, 16 December 2015

Liberals have brought Donald Trump on Themselves

What Donald Trump Has Built

By Andrew Rosenthal, December 15 2015 (LINK to article)  

The liberal left has screwed white America with it ideology of white racial self-denial, self-contempt and yes, self-hatred - a grotesque overreaction to European imperialism, Jim Crow, Apartheid and, of course, Nazism.

It was the kind of overreaction which the Editorial Board itself warns about in a recent editorial, The Price of Fear": “In the reaction and overreaction to terrorism comes the risk that society will lose its way."

Western society has indeed lost its way, led by the "progressive" liberal left, and Donald Trump is a natural response to that, which the liberal left seeks to demonise.

I'm not a fan of Donald Trump, but I'm even less a fan of the liberal left's ideology of white racial self-denial and self-contempt, which it urgently needs to recognise for what it is: part of the age-old strategy of “divide and rule”, dividing society into a morally superior, now supposedly "colour-blind", (white) elite and the morally inferior, naturally (human nature being what it is) less colour-blind, (still predominantly white) masses, who must submit to the authority of and domination by their "moral superiors".

See BLOG in which I elaborate further on these ideas.

Why the Obsession with Promoting DIVERSITY?

What Israel Tells Us About Affirmative Action and Race


It strikes me as paradoxical that while government is obsessed with increasing ethnic diversity on university campuses and elsewhere (necessarily at the expense of the still dominant white majority), everyone with any sense of their own ethnic identity wants to see their own ethnic group increase in size and influence.

This is madness, and the sooner we recognise it as such and develop an understanding of it the better.

The method to this madness, which is based on an ideology of white racial self-denial and self-contempt (an extreme and totally inappropriate, but politically highly exploitable, overreaction to European imperialism, Jim Crow, Apartheid and, of course, Nazism), serves the age-old strategy of “divide and rule”, dividing society into a morally superior, now supposedly "colour-blind", (white) elite and the morally inferior, naturally (human nature being what it is) less colour-blind (still predominantly white), masses, who must submit to the authority of and domination by their "moral superiors".

Original sin (disobedience of divine, i.e. priestly/state authority) of medieval church ideology has been replaced by "racial prejudice" (the natural human inclination - like original sin - to identity with members of one's own tribe, race or ethnic group, which was made responsible for the Holocaust and equated with the evils of Nazi racism) of secular, post-racial multicultural ideology, which only submission to priestly/academic/state ideology and authority can save us from eternal damnation for, not as heathens and heretics, as in the past, but as "bigots" and "racists".

Saturday, 12 December 2015

Left Loves to Portray Opponents as "Far Right" Haters

The Rise of Hate Search

By Evan Soltas and Seth Stephens-Davidowitz, Dec. 12, 2015  (LINK to article)

I don't feel any hatred towards Muslims, but I feel very angry at those, especially on the liberal left, who have facilitated the mass migration of millions of Muslims, and other poor-world people, into the West for economic and ideological reasons by demonising those who, for very good reasons, have warned against it, as xenophobes and racists.

The NYT has been prominent in promoting this madness, which it seems to view as a moral crusade (misguidedly believing that it is good for society), yet when things go pear-shaped, as they most certainly have in regard to home-grown Islamic terrorism, instead of admitting their mistake and seeking to understand it, they blame the islamophobia, xenophobia or racism of OTHERS instead, especially on the "far right", i.e. as far removed from THEMSELVES, on the left, as possible.

The whole notion of "celebrating DIVERSITY" is madness, Orwellian newspeak, no less, for America's white majority to celebrate its own ethnic displacement (white flight), replacement (soon whites will be an ethnic minority) and ultimate demise.

How to explain this madness?

The NYT's Editorial Board itself provides the answer in a recent editorial, The Price of Fear, in which it says, very wisely, “In the reaction and overreaction to terrorism comes the risk that society will lose its way."

Society has indeed lost its way, in overreaction to Nazism and its insane racial ideology, going to the opposite but equally insane extreme of denying the importance of racial and ethnic identity altogether. See BLOG in which I elaborate.

Liberal America, please wake up!

America's Gun Lobby, Symptom of a Non-Nation

Gunmakers’ War Profiteering on the Home Front

By The Editorial Board, Dec. 11 2015 (LINK to editorial)
"The nation needs restoration of a federal assault weapons ban . . "
If America (or any other state) were a genuine nation it wouldn't have lobbies which put the commercial self-interests of particular industries before the interests of society at large.

And it's not just the gun lobby, but those of ALL major industries, some less, some more harmful, especially when one thinks of the fossil fuel industries, who put their short-sighted commercial self-interests before the very habitability of our planet.

It is no good wagging our fingers at the gun industry, when effectively ALL industries do the same. It's just that the unscrupulousness of other industries is not so blatantly obvious or harmful.

So, if America is not a nation, what is it? it's a mercenary "patron state" deceitfully posing as a nation, in order to legitimise itself, its ruling elites and the immense power they wield and abuse, to their own personal advantage and that of favoured (especially wealthy and academic, formerly priestly) clients, at the expense and ultimate self-destruction of society at large.

Why has this not been recognised by the academics we look to as authorities in understanding society and the state? Because, like their medieval predecessors and counterparts, they are themselves privileged clients and employees of our "patron state", with a massive personal self-interest (subconscious more than conscious) in rationalising and defending its role, self-image (as our "nation") and ideologies (social, political, economic and racial, formerly religious), on which the state bases its claim to moral and knowledgeable authority.

The gun lobby is just a symptom of a much deeper malady which threatens the very survival of our civilisation and which I elaborate on in this BLOG.

Friday, 11 December 2015

The NYT's Narrative of White Racial Self-Contempt

Empowering the Ugliness

By Paul Krugman, Dec. 11 2015 (LINK to article)
"angry whites who make up a large fraction . .  of the G.O.P. "
It seems to me that white people, both in Europe and in America, have every reason to be "angry", not least at the liberal left, which, in overreaction to Jim Crow, Apartheid and, of course, Nazism, has embraced an ideology white racial self-denial and self-contempt.

Is Paul Krugman, like the majority of those who work and write for the NYT, not white himself? Yet he generalises about "angry, xenophobic and racist whites" as if they were a different and despised race, effectively equating them with Nazis.

This is what virtually everyone on the liberal left does, of course, because it is rooted in the ideology they share, so its extremism goes unnoticed. It is, I think, something the Editorial Board itself warns against in a recent editorial, The Price of Fear:
“In the reaction and overreaction to terrorism comes the risk that society will lose its way."
Western society, led by the liberal left, has already lost its way, in comprehensive overreaction to Nazism and its insane racial ideology, which it has gone to the exact but equally extreme opposite of, denying the importance of race altogether, so that now conservative concerns about immigration and the changing racial composition of America that comes with it (from majority white to majority non-white), are demonised and dismissed as racist and xenophobic on a par with Nazism.

I elaborate further in this BLOG.

ISIS Manipulates and Exploits Human Nature

How ISIS Makes Radicals

By David Brooks, Dec. 8 2015 (LINK to article)
"The purpose of an organization like ISIS is to get people to negate themselves for a larger cause."
It is not about "negating" oneself, but realising oneself in a larger cause, which is deeply rooted in our inherently and intensely tribal nature, which, not coincidentally, I think, we are subliminally taught to trivialise, ridicule or demonise, rather than to take seriously and develop a proper understanding of.

The state conflates and confounds VERY different aspects of the original tribal environment in which human nature evolved, long before the first states and civilisations emerged from it, with the modern "nation state" now deceitfully posing as our tribe or nation (our intra- and inter-tribal environment) itself, while at the same time facilitating society’s SELF-exploitation (as an extra-tribal environment) to the personal advantage of its ruling elites and favoured (especially wealthy and academic - previously, priestly) clients, at the expense and ultimate self-destruction of society at large. Which is why all past civilisations have declined and disappeared. It is why our own civilisation is on course to self-destruct in the decades ahead, and Islam may well replace it.

ISIS is manipulating and exploiting people's tribal nature, just as the Nazis did, and as all states do. We need to understand this, so that we can take charge of the manipulation ourselves, consciously, and direct it in a way that is beneficial both to the individual and to society at large.

Thursday, 3 December 2015

Anti-Fascists & Fascists = Goodies & Baddies

Is Donald Trump a Fascist?

By Ross Douthat, Dec. 2 2015 (LINK to article)

Let's face it, calling someone a "fascist" is just a way of dismissing and condemning them as a "baddy", by associating them with all the evils and horrors of Nazism. Those doing the accusing are usually primarily concerned with asserting their own moral superiority as a "goody".

I'm not an expert on fascism, but it seems to me that it can't have been all bad, as it is now portrayed, anymore than communism was. Both movements had 10s of millions of supporters, many of them very passionate in the belief that they were fighting for a good cause.

In the aftermath of WW2, fascism was equated with Nazism and dismissed as evil, while many in academia continued to view communism with sympathy. Clearly, with Stalin, things had gone badly wrong, but the ideas behind communism and socialism were not all bad. Far from it. But no such sympathy is ever shown towards fascism, not least, because there is a strictly enforced taboo against doing so. Anyone who does is immediately accused of being a fascist sympathiser themselves.

I think this was - and continues to be - a huge mistake. We (especially academics from whom others take their lead) massively overreacted to the horrors of Nazism, and as the Editorial Board wrote in a recent editorial, The Price of Fear, "In the reaction and overreaction to terrorism comes the risk that society will lose its way".

This, I believe, is what has happened in respect to fascism, which I elaborate on in this BLOG on The West's Overreaction to Nazism.

P.S. There is a very good biography, it seemed to my lay eye, of the British fascist leader, Oswald Mosley, which is long out of print and whose author, Robert Skidelsky, and publisher seem to have no interest in seeing back in print, presumably because it portrays Mosley in too objective and sympathetic a light. Certainly, he was no British Hitler. According to this biography, the violence which often accompanied his rallies was usually initiated by the Left, which doesn't fit the established narrative of it always being the fascists who were responsible for the violence.

Dominated as it is by the Left, academia  only seems interested in demonising fascism, by equating it with the obvious evils of Nazism, rather than in understanding it in its historical context, as they do with communism and socialism.

America is Suffering from Gunoholism

On Guns, We’re Not Even Trying

By Nicholas Kristof, Dec. 2 2015 (LINK to aryticle)

To a European like myself, it is tempting to dismiss America's gun problem as just weak will, but I have come to realise that America is in fact, metaphorically speaking, a "gunoholic", the reasons for which, as with alcoholism, lie deep in the history and very nature of American society itself.

Europe has its own, equally serious, problems, of course, the causes of which also lie deep in the roots of our civilisation, which are also the roots of American civilisation.

As in the case of individual alcoholism, the first obstacle to overcoming it is to recognise and admit to oneself that one actually has a serious problem that one needs help with. America reminds me of a successful businessman, or woman, who is also an alcoholic, but refuses to face up to it, not least, because it hasn't prevented them from being successful at making a lot of money, notwithstanding the difficulties it makes in their relationships with others and the damage it is doing to their liver, which is leading them to an early death.

If America is to help and cure itself, before it suffers organ failure, it (especially its academics) must seek help from a human-evolutionary perspective on the origins and nature of western civilisation, which will take them to the root cause of the problem, which is about more than just "gunoholism". It will be a difficult, painful and frightening journey, but it's the only way to effect a cure and avoid the premature demise of western civilisation.

See BLOG in which I elaborate on this issue.

Wednesday, 2 December 2015

White Guilt in the Service of Political Power

What We Fear When We Fear Terrorism

By Ross Douthat, Nov. 30 2015 (LINK to article)
"American xenophobia: We fear attacks from a nebulous or specifically-Islamic “Other” more than we fear violence by angry white men . . . , because Americans still identify with whiteness/maleness/Christianity too closely to fully imagine “white Christian terrorism” as something to be feared . . . This is a mostly left-wing argument . . "
Indeed it is a mostly left-wing argument, behind which lies an ideology of white racial self-denial and self-contempt, which began as an understandable overreaction to Jim Crow, Apartheid and, of course, Nazism, with their ideology of racial supremacism, before being transformed into an instrument of socio-political intimidation, rewards, punishments, manipulation and control, just as medieval church ideology once served.

What makes this ideology so powerful and pernicious is that is serves the age-old strategy of “divide and rule”, dividing society into a morally superior, now supposedly "colour-blind", elite and the morally inferior, naturally (human nature being what it is) less colour-blind, masses, who must submit to the authority of and domination by their "moral superiors".

It plays the same power-political role that medieval church ideology once did, whereby "original sin" (disobedience of divine, i.e. priestly/state authority) is replaced by "racial prejudice" (the natural human inclination - like original sin - to identity with members of one's own tribe, race or ethnic group, which was wrongly made responsible for the Holocaust and equated with the evils of Nazi racism), which only submission to priestly/academic/state ideology and authority can save us from eternal damnation for, not as heathens and heretics, as in the past, but as "bigots" and "racists".

As in the past, we are being bullied by an elite of "moral supremacists" who demonise different aspects of human nature to their own, personal, advantage, and which academics don't recognise, because they themselves are some of the biggest bullies.

Tuesday, 1 December 2015

My Race-Related Story

This was my response to the following invitation to 
Share Your Story. As part of our ​Op-Docs ​series​ Conversation​s​ ​on Race​,​​ we ​want to hear your​​ ​​experiences ​confronting issues of race in your life. We invite you to share your stories, some of which we will feature on a page of readers’ contributions. 

Mine is probably not the kind of race-related story you want to hear, but I’ll tell it anyway.

I was born in the London suburb of Wembley in 1949, when everyone was white. Not that I noticed this at the time. It was just the way things were and one took it for granted. If there had been any non-white kids or teachers at my primary school, I’m sure I would have noticed, but I didn’t. All the faces in all my class photos are white. And it was the same at secondary school. I remember as a child noticing the first non-white people I saw on the street, a black person or someone in Indian dress striking me as most unusual and exotic.

As I grew older I couldn’t help but notice the increasing number of non-white people there were. At first a small minority, but ever increasing, until suddenly they seemed to have become the majority, and indeed they had.

I went back to my old primary school a few years ago and as I looked into the playground I found myself trying to pick out the odd white face amongst all the non-white ones. The combination of the familiar (all the building and roads are still much the same) with the unfamiliar (a different race of people) caused me to come over dizzy. What on Earth had happened?

When I put this question to my MP he dismissed my concerns with distain. To him I was a  “bigot” and “racist” who had failed to move into and “celebrate” the new era of DIVERSITY. 

But what is "Celebrating Diversity" other than Orwellian newspeak for native Britons like myself (and white people everywhere) to celebrate our own ethnic displacement (white flight), replacement (we have now been reduced to an ethnic minority in large swathes of our major cities) and ultimate demise . . ??

Xenophobia is one side of a single coin, on the other side of which is love of one’s own and the familiar. I don’t hate the immigrants (some I have got to know and like very much), most are nice people, but they are not my people.

I don’t blame the immigrants for coming here (who wouldn’t choose Britain over a poor-world country?), but feel betrayed by the British state itself, which I and my fellow countrymen made the fatal mistake of identifying with, as our nation, and trusting.

I didn't hear back, so I guess I was right about it not being the kind of race-related story they wanted to hear about.